
The Clarity of Chaos

I sit here, folding and folding. I'm literally in the epicenter of a massive amount of laundry and have stumbled upon this bit of personal clarity. Not at all is it a thought of epic proportions. It's just a fleeting feeling that lets me know I will be fine. I'm hoping this feeling will stay because I feel I'm on the brink of a critical change in my life and would like it to be for the positive. I came home today with a laundry list of things I'd like to get done and I am in the process of tackling each task one by one. One by one. One by one. Let me say that again: One by one.

Now that I've typed that simple phrase out, I have now approached the crux of this clarity within my chaos. I've constantly been focusing on my thoughts of everything else, instead of actually focus on the doing. The simplicity in doing something and reveling in its action. Months ago folding clothes to me was a major chore (more like a daunting chore). I foresaw the massiveness in the task and avoided it all together, which in turn made getting dressed in the morning a chore, which in turn made me feel insecure about not looking as put together as I could be. Lord, the trial that I made it is unfathomable. Perhaps, to some this trial seems very relatable and even logical. The trial of completely avoiding an action as a result of the shear fear of being overwhelmed to a rendered state of incapacity is a shame.

I sit here and urge myself... and you to:
1) Take your thoughts and write them on paper.
2) Break your thoughts down into one overall action.
3) Create an action plan.
4) Tackle each action: One by One.

I'm pretty sure if I did this with all my thoughts I'd like to put into action, my life would be so much fruitful. Therefore, WHEN I do this with all my thoughts they will become actions.

You think; therefore, you are. So, speak your life into existence.

*sending positive energy into the universe for me and for you*
